Vincent Perez, MPA

Dignity Compass Research

Welcome to my research page on Dignity-Centered Leadership and the Dignity Compass. I first developed and researched the rubric in graduate school in 2016. I have since used the model for long-term consulting with organizations. I am now embarking on my second round of research using the Delphi Technique to garner insight from expert practitioners.

To learn more you can: Watch a Video and Review the Rubric

How you can help:

Take the 2 Question Poll

  • What best describes you: Dignity-Centered Leader or Dignity Champion?

Complete the Research Survey

Schedule a Research Interview

  • Schedule a 25-minute interview with me to share your insights and wisdom on Dignity-Centered Leadership and the Dignity Compass.

2 Question Poll

Dignity Compass Video Description

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Research Survey


Research Interview

Please schedule a 25-minute Zoom call with Vincent Perez to share your insights and wisdom on Dignity-Centered Leadership and the Dignity Compass:

Research Questions

  1. What are your initial questions about the Dignity Compass or Dignity-Centered Leadership?

  2. Would rather be referred to as a Dignity-Centered Leader or a Dignity Champion? Why? 

  3. What does dignity-centered leadership mean to you?

  4. How do you personally integrate dignity into your leadership approach?

  5. What about the Dignity Compass™ resonates with your experience?

  6. What are the biggest challenges organizations face in embedding dignity into workplace culture?

  7. How can dignity be measured in leadership and organizational culture? What key indicators do you believe are most relevant?

  8. What advice would you give to leaders who want to create a culture where dignity is a measurable and sustainable practice?